Sunday, November 22, 2009

SAGE Luncheon in Bend

Bend Trip

Bend Patfinders prepared and served lunch for SAGE members. An unexpected snowstorm kept some seniors at home.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


SAGE had a beautiful day for their sternwheeler cruise June 28!
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SAGE members enjoyed the Mt. Hood train ride in May.Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Glen and Karen Coppes spent over a week labeling books and organizing the library for the SDA church school in Madras OR.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Robert and Sherilyn Foley, Sr. volunteer their time to welcome visitors to Crown Point on the Mt. Hood Loop Highway in the gorge. There is no heat in the lobby where they are stationed but they keep warm in cold weather with a small heater and warm clothes.

Al Stern is in his 80's but is still tuning pianos and enjoying his player piano at home.
In his spare time he paints beautiful pictures of flowers and landscapes. If you drop in for a visit, you may leave with a gift of a framed painting!

Friday, March 20, 2009

In his book ELDER, Terry Jones writes "The second half of a person's life can be an adventure in elderhood: a life of stewardship instead of expolitation; of fostering consensus instead of competition; of spiritual expression instead of a lust for recognition and influence; of mentoring rather than directing. Elderhood is wisdom in an active state utilized on behalf of others.........An elder is a sage, not only wise but also experienced and, therefore, an elder is advanced in years. It takes a long time to gain the experience needed to develop elder wisdom which is deeper, tested and built on decades of learning from their mistakes."

Iris answers the phone and helps with records at PACS.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009


Arlea assisted by volunteers Arline and Linda prepare items to sell in the Estacada non-profit gift shop.
Craig manages the "Check Out" counter.

Children can buy toys in their area.

Moms can shop in the clothing area.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mary is 93 and still going strong!!!
She goes from the Sumerset Retirement
Center to Rivergate Elementary School
every Monday morning and listens to
children read.

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Marie, age 93, sorts clothes at PACS (Portland Adventist Community Services Center)
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sage Valentine Luncheon

Oregon Sage had a great time eating and listening to the Acordian players.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shop Owners

Jesse at 83 is still repairing shoes.

Frankie is still going to estate sales and keeping the gift section full.

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