Friday, March 20, 2009

In his book ELDER, Terry Jones writes "The second half of a person's life can be an adventure in elderhood: a life of stewardship instead of expolitation; of fostering consensus instead of competition; of spiritual expression instead of a lust for recognition and influence; of mentoring rather than directing. Elderhood is wisdom in an active state utilized on behalf of others.........An elder is a sage, not only wise but also experienced and, therefore, an elder is advanced in years. It takes a long time to gain the experience needed to develop elder wisdom which is deeper, tested and built on decades of learning from their mistakes."


  1. Wynn, thanks for calling attention to my book, Elder. I have found that being more elder like in the ancient sense of the word, is a generative way to live into the second half of life. I look forward to further discussions with you about how we might bring the idea of an "elder spiritual journey" to members of the church. Doing so has changed my life, i can assure you.

    Terry Jones D. Min.
    Elderhood Institute, Inc.

  2. Terry,

    Escrevo do Brasil, e fiquei interessado em conhecer de seu livro.

    Tenho aplicado a metodologia de coach direcionados a pessoas com mais de 60's e gostei dos resultados. Todavia há necessidade em se ampliar ações que contribuam para um aproveitamento de conhecimentos acomulados.
    No Brasil ainda existe uma cultura de que "velho" não é útil.


    Gerson Sena

    Guaratinguetá - São Paulo - Brasil

  3. I have found that being more elder like in the ancient sense of the word, is a generative way to live into the second half of life. Thank you for bringing such nice posts. Your blog is always fascinating to read.
